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The e-Litigation service enables fully electronic procedures including viewing all filings, electronic pleading, exchange of memoranda, replies to panel requests, filing of documents, holding of digital and virtual sessions, delivery of judgment, and appealing to a higher court.

The service uses a governance system that provides judicial safeguards through the following:

1. Principle of confrontation

The e-Litigation service enables the parties to view all filings in the case including memoranda and documents submitted in sessions or during preparation and discovery.

2. Publicity of hearings

 Joining the e-Litigation service is allowed under regulations taking into account the court's authority to maintain order. In addition, sessions are duly recorded and archived.


     • To view the procedural guide to the e-Litigation service, Click here

     • To go to the service, Click here

Last Modified : 20 Jul 2022

سياسة الخصوصية شروط الإستخدام خريطة الموقع جميع الحقوق محفوظة لدى وزارة العدل ©