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Terms of Use and Disclaimer

Terms of Use and Disclaimer 

This electronic portal of the Saudi Ministry of Justice (“the MOJ Portal” or “the Portal”) is available for your personal use. Your use of this Portal is subject to the following terms and conditions, and to the laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Your access and visit to the Portal is regarded as unconditional agreement to the terms and conditions of use, whether you are a registered user or not. This agreement is valid as of the date of your first use of this Portal.
Any amendment to these terms and conditions shall be effective as soon as it is announced, unless otherwise indicated. Your continued use of the Portal following any amendment announcement is regarded as agreement to the amendment.
These terms and conditions include the section on privacy policy and copyright.

 Terms of Use

By using the MoJ Portal, you agree to refrain from the following:

- Upload or download files containing software, materials, data or other information that you do not own or have license to use.

- Use this Portal in any manner for sending commercial emails or spam, or for any similar abuse.

- Upload or download files containing malware or corrupt data.

- Publish, post, distribute or circulate materials or information that contain libel, violation of laws, pornographic or obscene content, or any illegal content.

- Participate through the MoJ Portal in activities that are illegal or unlawful according to Saudi laws.

- Advertise on the MoJ Portal any products or services that make us in violation of any law or code.

- Use any means, program or procedure to interfere with, or try to interfere with, the correct operation of the MoJ Portal.

- Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the infrastructure of the MoJ Portal.


Links to and from the MoJ Portal

Use of links to the MoJ Portal:
- Except as described below, you may not transfer, copy, link or frame to the MoJ Portal or any of its contents.

- You must submit a specific request and obtain the MoJ’s approval before linking or framing to this Portal or engaging in similar activities.

- The MoJ maintains the right to impose any terms when permitting linking or framing this Portal or any of its contents.

- The MoJ shall not be regarded as participating or relating in any manner to any brands, logos, trademarks, or any other means used or displayed on other websites linking to this Portal or any of its contents.

- The MoJ reserves the right to block and restrict any link from any website containing material that is inappropriate, obscene, infringing, improper, unacceptable, or illegal; or names, material, or information violating any law or any intellectual property, privacy, or public rights.

- The MoJ reserves the right to disable any unauthorized linking; and assumes no responsibility for the content available on any website accessed through this Portal or providing access to this Portal.

Links from the MoJ Portal:

- Links to other portals and websites are provided for helping you; we are not responsible for the contents or credibility of such portals and websites and do not endorse their content. The use of such links is your exclusive responsibility.

- We work to correct broken links to other sites, but we cannot guarantee that such links will work permanently.

Protection against malware:

We are doing our best to examine and test the content of this Portal at all stages of production. We recommend that you always run antivirus software on all material downloaded from the Internet. We are not responsible for any loss, breach or damage to your data or your computer, which may occur while connected to this Portal or while using any of its material.


The MoJ Portal and the services, information, material, and functions available on or accessible through the Portal are provided for your personal use “as is” and "as available" without any declaration, promises, or guarantees of any kind.
We cannot guarantee or take responsibility for any interruptions, errors or omissions that may arise, knowingly or unknowingly, from the use of this Portal, its content, or any site linked to it.
The user does not have the right to ownership or guarantee of confidentiality of any communications or information they may send through this Portal. In addition, any use or interactive use on this Portal does not guarantee, or is not intended to guarantee, the user any rights, licenses, or privileges of any type.


Limit of Liability:
The Portal’s e-services and the information on various government agencies are provided only to facilitate manual procedures. Therefore, you acknowledge that you perfectly know that communications over the Internet may be interfered with or intercepted by third parties; that the Portal does not replace the information available through authorities; and that applications and administrative procedures can be made directly before the competent authorities.

Accordingly, the use of this Portal remains at your own risk. We are in no way responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer because of your use of or visit to the Portal, your reliance on any statement, opinion, or announcement on the Portal; or because of any operation delay, disconnection, Internet access problems, hardware or software failures, or the behavior or ideas of anyone visiting this Portal.
Therefore, you declare and agree that your exclusive and only means to remedy any damage or loss that may occur as a result of using this Portal is to refrain from or discontinue the use of this Portal.

You hereby declare that you will not take any action against the MoJ or any of its departments, and to ensure the MoJ and any parties, staff or agents who are responsible for managing, maintaining, updating or presenting its Portal, against liability and all obligations and responsibilities that may arise from your violation of the terms and conditions of use or any of the laws in force in Saudi Arabia or your place of residence.

Termination of service:
At our own discretion and without notice, we may terminate, restrict or stop you from accessing the Portal for any reason, including the violation of the terms of use or any other behavior we may consider to be illegal or harmful to others. If we terminate the service, you will not be authorized to log into this Portal.

- This Portal is technically supervised by the Digitization and ICT Division, an agency of the Ministry of Justice in Saudi Arabia.
- The material available on this Portal, including infographics and code, (“content”) is protected by copyright and trademark laws and other copyright regulations.
- Except for what is otherwise indicated, you may not sell, license, lease, modify, copy, reprint, download, advertise, transfer, distribute, publicly display, edit, or create derivatives of any material or content of this Portal for the public or for commercial purposes, without obtaining prior written approval from the Saudi Ministry of Justice.
- It is strictly forbidden to modify any of the Portal’s content. The graphics and images on this Portal are also protected by copyright laws. You may not reproduce or use them in any way, without prior written consent from the Saudi Ministry of Justice.

You agree to submit exclusively to the judicial authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding all claims and disputes that arise from your use of this Portal.

Electronic forms:
The electronic forms section contains forms that citizens and residents may use to inquire about and update their personal data. More electronic forms will be added later by digitizing paper forms.

When using electronic forms, please note the following:
- To protect users’ personal data, certain powers will be granted to each category of users based on the inquiries and updates they can perform.
- The MoJ does not assume responsibility for any incorrect data, although the data entered will be regarded as correct.


Relevant legislation:

• Electronic Transactions Law Click here
• Anti-Cyber Crime Law Click here
• Basic Controls for Cybersecurity Click here
• National Data Governance Regulations Click here

Last Modified : 30 May 2022

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