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About Vision Realization Office

Vision Realization Office:

The Vision Realization Office reports directly to H.E. the Minister, who oversees the initiatives of the National Transformation Program, the ministry's development portfolios, and the national priorities which help realize Vision 2030. In addition, the Office suggests urgent solutions for any challenges confronting the ministry’s implementation of Vision 2030. The Vision Realization Office works in unison with the ministry’s specialized divisions and supporting offices.
The Office also performs several tasks that complement the work of the supporting bodies within the Vision realization system, such as: The Center for Achievement and Rapid Intervention, the National Center for Measuring Public Performance. The Office is also responsible for the preparation and submission of regular reports on performance and level of commitment to the ministry's initiatives for Vision 2030.

Strategic Objective

Promoting Swift Justice
Promoting swift justice, achieving operational speed and efficiency without compromising the quality of rulings, and shortening enforcement timeframe
A. Involving the private sector in the works supporting the enforcement judiciary.
B. e-Payment in the enforcement of judgments.
C. Provision of custodianship and vision centers in cooperation with the non-profit sector.

Enhancing Real Estate Security
This objective is concerned with enhancing real estate security so as to achieve a higher level of efficiency to serve the Saudi real estate sector; providing an infrastructure supporting the growth of this major economic sector; and increasing real estate security by activating property registration and safeguarding real estate wealth.
A. Amending regulations for real estate registration.
B. Digitizing real estate wealth archives.

Improving legal notarization
This objective is concerned with improving legal notarization so as to achieve the desired levels of accuracy and efficiency, and developing a robust judicial notarization system in the Kingdom where the private sector can provide some notarial services.
A. Involving the private sector in the notarization process.
B. Mobile notarial offices.

Developing judicial assets
This objective is concerned with the development of judicial assets by constructing buildings and justice facilities, and using the ICT infrastructure available to the ministry, which will help improve and enhance the level of satisfaction with legal services by creating a suitable working environment for staff.
A. Making use of the ICT infrastructure.

Raising and highlighting the judiciary’s rating locally and globally
This objective is concerned with raising the Kingdom's global ranking in the contract enforcement sub-index; highlighting the advantages of the Saudi justice system; and disseminating legal culture, which would help enhance satisfaction with legal services; in addition to raising the Kingdom's global ranking in various judicial aspects, activating agreements with international institutions, and raising awareness of legal rights and processes in Saudi society.

A. Highlighting the advantages and achievements of the Saudi judiciary and disseminating legal culture.
B. Raising the Kingdom's global rating.

Stemming the influx of lawsuits
This objective is concerned with taking the necessary measures to stem the influx of cases by finding alternative litigation systems that help enhance satisfaction with judicial services, and by activating alternative judicial systems that reduce caseload without depriving clients of their rights, which will greatly improve legal services.
A. Activating the system of mediation offices.
Improving legal services and institutional excellence
This objective is concerned with enhancing judicial services and institutional excellence in the justice system, and upgrading judicial services to meet international standards, thus living up to the expectations of individuals and companies in the Kingdom by applying various standards of excellence.
A. Establishing legal service centers.
B. Integrated Case Management System.
C. Administrative support and management at courts.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Vision Realization Office:

1. Ensuring that the Ministry's strategic plan is aligned with Saudi Vision 2030.
2. Overseeing and following up on the implementation of strategic initiatives and portfolios, and assessing the extent of achievements.
3. Regular and special reporting on the performance related to initiatives.
4. Supporting the ministry’s divisions and directorates.
5. Participating in setting strategic objectives and initiatives, and developing implementation plans.
6. Consolidating the image for Saudi Vision 2030 and the role of the ministry in achieving it.
7. Organizing the development and management of the business model.
8. Acting as an intermediary between the ministry and the supporting bodies and relevant authorities.

Last Modified : 18 Feb 2025

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