This service allows you to make a public interest complaint against a lawyer, trainee lawyer, lawyer imposter, or a violator of the Law Practice Code and regulations. If the claim is for a private right, you can file it with the competent court.
How to make a complaint:
complaint can be filed in two ways:
Method 1:
a. Submit the complaint through one of the channels of the Unified Communication Center.
b. The complaint is registered at the Directorate, and the client is provided with a reference number for tracking. Click here
Method 2:
a. The complainant or his agent visits the Directorate to submit a written complaint.
b. The complaint is registered, and the client is provided with a reference number for tracking.
Required documents:
1. Copy of ID card
2. Copy of the power of attorney for applicant's agent
3. Contracts and documents supporting complaint
4. Complainant's requests