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Law Practice Training

The ministry allows graduates of specialized colleges to have training opportunities in law practice, since training is among the expertise qualifying for obtaining a law practice license. There are two types of training:

Type 1: Training at law firms

Those meeting the requirements and are interested in training at law firms may have an agreement with a lawyer fulfilling the training requirements, then file an application to the Directorate through

• Requirements for training at law firms:

  1. a. To be a Saudi national. However, a non-Saudi national may be registered as a trainee lawyer subject to the terms of agreements concluded between the Kingdom and other countries.
  2. b. Holder of a bachelor's in Islamic Law or Law from a Saudi university, or an equivalent; or a two-year postgraduate diploma in legal studies from the Institute of Public Administration.
  3. c. To be of good conduct and not under interdiction.
  4. d. Have never been subjected to any hadd (Qur’anic prescribed punishment) or any other sentence for a crime that impugns integrity, except where a minimum of five years has expired since the enforcement of the sentence.
  5. e. To be residing in the city of professional practice.
  6. f. To train under a lawyer who has spent at least five years in practice.
  7. g. To be devoted full-time for this work throughout the period of the contract.
  8. h. Training shall be under a written contract between the lawyer and the trainee lawyer in accordance with the Labor Law; and the trainee shall be registered with the General Organization for Social Insurance.
  9. i. The trainee lawyer’s pleading and counseling shall be under a power of attorney granted by the lawyer.

• Required documents for application:

  1. 1. Bachelor’s degree; and master’s degree, if available
  2. 2. Employment contract signed by the two parties using the law firm’s official paper
  3. 3. GOSI member’s statement of durations and fees stating the registration of the trainee lawyer



• How trainee lawyers are registered for training:

  1. a. The coaching lawyer logs into Najiz portal with his account to add the trainee lawyer using “My trainees” button.
  2. b. The trainee lawyer logs into Najiz portal to file application to the directorate.

    *Application for adding trainee lawyer is valid for 90 days only; for filing an application, you can use the following link: Link 

Application for trainee lawyer transfer:

     Trainee lawyers may move from a coaching lawyer to another in order to benefit from lawyers' expertise and develop their skills.

• Application for trainee lawyer transfer:

    If a trainee lawyer wishes to be transferred from one coaching lawyer to another, the first lawyer must remove him from his trainees’ list, then the second lawyer can add the trainee lawyer to his trainees’ list.

• Required documents for application:

  1. 1. Employment contract signed by the two parties using the law firm’s official paper
  2. 2. Experience certificate from former lawyer
  3. 3. Clearance certificate from former lawyer

    *   Link 


Type 2: Training at Justice Training Center.

    The Justice Training Center is a government center working under the Ministry of Justice. It provides several programs that qualify for applying for a law practice license. For more details, you can visit the center’s website on the following link: Link .

Pleading license for representatives of private legal entities

This service enables employees working in legal departments of private entities to apply for a license allowing them to plead on behalf of such entities subject to legal rules and duties.

Requirements of pleading license for representatives of private legal entities:

  1. 1. To be a Saudi national
  2. 2. To be an employee of the legal entity under the Labor Law
  3. 3. To have a bachelor’s, master's or doctorate in Shari’ah or law from a Saudi university or an equivalent degree from a university abroad

Required documents for application:

  1. 1. Bachelor’s degree; and master’s degree, if available
  2. 2. A valid power of attorney granted by the legal entity
  3. 3. GOSI member’s statement of durations and fees stating registration at the entity
  4. 4. Copy of employment contract
  5. 5. Recent statement from the legal department stating that the applicant is still in office
  6. 6. Copy of memorandum of association (for companies)
  7. 7. Copy of Commercial Registration
  8. 8. Copy of the entity’s basic information from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development
  9. 9. Copy of national address

How to obtain a license:

  1. 1. Applicant logs into Najiz portal using his account
  2. 2. Application is filed to the directorate through the portal

Link to Service

Application for law practice license

Requirements of application for law practice license:

  1. a. To be a Saudi national. However, a non-Saudi national may practice law subject to the terms of agreements concluded between the Kingdom and other countries.
  2. b. To hold a degree from a Shari’ah college or a bachelor’s of law from one of the Kingdom’s universities, or an equivalent of any of these degrees obtained from abroad, or a post-graduate diploma of legal studies from the Institute of Public Administration.
  3. c. Two years of practical legal experience. This requirement shall not apply to holders of a doctorate in these fields of specialization.
    The experience period may be reduced as follows:
    1. 1. One year for holders of a master's in Islamic Law or Law, or an equivalent; or the two-year diploma in legal studies from the Institute of Public Administration
    2. 2. Six months for holders of the three-year diploma in legal studies from the Institute of Public Administration.
    3. 3. Each duly completed training year of the accredited programs shall be equivalent to one year of the required experience. Such programs are determined by the justice minister in coordination with the Saudi Bar Association and the Education and Training Evaluation Commission.
  4. d. To be of good conduct and not under interdiction.
  5. e. Have never been subjected to any hadd (Qur’anic prescribed punishment) or any other sentence for a crime that impugns integrity, except where a minimum of five years has expired since the enforcement of the sentence.
  6. f. To be residing in the Kingdom
  7. g. A trainee lawyer must provide proof that he or she has attended a qualification program of at least 100 training hours provided or approved by the Justice Training Center


Experience qualifying for law practice license application:

    After meeting the requirements for the application for the law practice license, an application can be made through the Najiz portal for those with any of the following expertise:

First: Training experience at law firms:

Required documents:

  1. 1. Employment contract
  2. 2. Experience certificate
  3. 3. Proof that he or she has attended a qualification program of at least 100 training hours provided or approved by the Justice Training Center

Second: Work experience in the public sector:

Required documents:

  1. 1. End-of-service decision
  2. 2. Job services statement

Third: Work experience in the private sector:

Required documents:

  1. 1. Employment contract
  2. 2. Experience certificate
  3. 3. GOSI member’s statement of durations and fees, ensuring that recorded dates match the dates in the experience certificate

Fourth: Doctorate experience:

Required documents:

  1. 1. End-of-service decision for those who had worked in the public sector
  2. 2. Bachelor's degree in Shari’ah, law, or an equivalent specialization
  3. 3. Specialized master's
  4. 4. Specialized doctorate

Fifth: Experience of teaching jurisprudence or laws:

Required documents:

  1. 1. End-of-service decision
  2. 2. Official statement from the university with subjects taught and number of terms

 Sixth: Work experience in legal committees for those with non-legal positions or those who had worked in the military sector:

Required documents:

  1. 1. End-of-service decision
  2. 2. Assignment decisions

Seventh: Experience of pleading on behalf of others:

     Those with experience of pleading on behalf of others may apply for a law practice license after attaching all rulings and decisions they pleaded on, provided that their names are included in them.

Eighth: Experience of passing the lawyers preparation program from the Justice Training Center:

Required documents: Passing certificate from the Justice Training Center.

    * Duration of passing certificate is three years; the center also issues one-year certificate equivalent to one-year experience

Ninth: Post-graduate diplomas:

    Post-graduate diplomas are recognized if they are accredited by the lawyers registration committee.

Link to Service

Renewal of law practice license

The Code of Law Practice regulations state that lawyers must file for renewal of their licenses at least 90 days before expiration date. The Ministry has enabled renewal applications through Najiz portal; the following conditions should be taken into consideration:

First: Lawyer who has independent law firm:

Required documents:

  1. 1. Personal photo with white background
  2. 2. Law practice license
  3. 3. Lawyer card
  4. 4. Geographical sketch on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  5. 5. Work report on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  6. 6. Law firm’s GOSI certificate
  7. 7. Certificate from General Authority for Zakat and Income

Second: Partner lawyer in a professional company:

Required documents :

  1. 1. Personal photo with white background
  2. 2. Law practice license
  3. 3. Lawyer card
  4. 4. Geographical sketch on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  5. 5. Work report on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  6. 6. Certificate of registration for professional company (professional partnership certificate + memorandum of association)
  7. 7. Law firm’s GOSI certificate
  8. 8. Certificate from General Authority for Zakat and Income

Third: Lawyer employed by a law firm or professional company:

Required documents :

  1. 1. Personal photo with white background
  2. 2. Law practice license
  3. 3. Lawyer card
  4. 4. Employment contract
  5. 5. Geographical sketch on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp of the lawyer who owns the law firm
  6. 6. Work report or statement on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp of the lawyer who owns the law firm or one of the partners
  7. 7. GOSI member’s statement of durations and fees stating the registration of the lawyer at the law firm or professional company

Link to Service

Removal of name from list of practicing lawyers and cancellation of license

This service enables a lawyer to apply for removal of his or her name from list of practicing lawyers, providing a reason for the request.

"This application requires appearance of lawyer or his agent to the Directorate’s office". Location

Removal of name from list of non-practicing lawyers and cancellation of license

This service enables a lawyer to apply for removal of his or her name from list of non-practicing lawyers, providing a reason for the request.

"This application requires appearance of lawyer or his agent to the Directorate’s office". Location

Transfer of name to list of non-practicing lawyers

This service enables a lawyer to apply for transfer of his or her name to list of non-practicing lawyers, providing a reason for the request.

"This application requires appearance of lawyer or his agent to the Directorate’s office". Location

Re-registration in list

When a lawyer wishes to be re-registered in the list of practicing lawyers, the applicant files an application through Najiz portal, following the steps provided on the portal. Link to Service

Update lawyer’s information

This service allows a lawyer to update his or her information through Najiz portal at any change in personal or professional information. The following conditions should be taken into consideration:

First: Lawyer who has independent law firm:

Required documents:

  1. 1. Law practice license
  2. 2. Lawyer card
  3. 3. Geographical sketch on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  4. 4. Work report on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  5. 5. Copy of bank account certificate including IBAN
  6. 6. IBAN of law firm
  7. 7. Unified national corporate number (starting with 70)

Second: Partner lawyer in a professional company:

Required documents :

  1. 1. Law practice license
  2. 2. Lawyer card
  3. 3. Geographical sketch on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  4. 4. Work report on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp
  5. 5. Certificate of registration for professional company (professional partnership certificate + memorandum of association)
  6. 6. Copy of bank account certificate including IBAN
  7. 7. IBAN of law firm
  8. 8. Unified national corporate number (starting with 70)

Third: Lawyer employed by a law firm or professional company:

Required documents :

  1. 1. Law practice license
  2. 2. Lawyer card
  3. 3. Employment contract
  4. 4. Registration under the name of the lawyer owning the law firm
  5. 5. Geographical sketch on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp of the lawyer who owns the law firm
  6. 6. Work report or statement on the firm’s official paper with signature and stamp of the lawyer who owns the law or one of the partners
  7. 7. GOSI member’s statement of durations and fees stating the registration of the lawyer at the law firm or professional company
  8. 8. Copy of applicant’s bank account including IBAN
  9. 9. Applicant’s IBAN

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Licensed Lawyers Search

Find licensed lawyers by city and name .
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Verify the validity of the lawyer's license

A service that helps you verify the validity of licenses issued by the Ministry of Justice .
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Last Modified : 14 Mar 2022

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