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Appellate Courts

Jurisdiction of Appellate Courts:

Appellate courts have jurisdiction over appealable judgments from first-instance courts. They render decisions after hearing litigants according to the Law of Civil Procedures and the Law of Criminal Procedures. They also hear petitions for reconsideration of judgments from first-instance courts under specific conditions, such as discovery of forged documents or new conclusive evidence post-judgment, fraud by the adversary impacting the judgment, inconsistency in the judgment text, judgments in absentia, or judgments against improperly represented persons. Those implicated by the judgment but not included or intervening in the case have the right to request reconsideration of the final judgment.

Appealable Judgments:

All final judgments on the merits by first-instance courts are appealable. This includes rulings before the judgment on the merits, like stay of proceedings, interim and summary rulings, rulings subject to compulsory enforcement, and rulings of lack of jurisdiction. Objecting to interim, summary, and enforceable rulings does not halt their implementation.

The Start of the Time Limit for Requesting Appeal or Review:

The time limit for objecting against the judgment begins from the date of delivering a copy of the judgment decree to the party ruled against and obtaining their signature or from the set date for receiving the copy if they fail to appear. For inmates or detainees, the responsible authority must bring them to court to receive and submit objections within the set time limits. Hudud and qisas punishments are submitted to the appellate court for review, even without a request.

Stopping the Time Limit for Requesting Appeal or Review:

The objection time limit ceases with the death of the objector, their disqualification from litigation, or loss of the capacity of their representative. The stoppage continues until the heirs or their representative are notified of the judgment or until the precluding factor ceases to exist.

Penalty for Violating the Time Limit for Requesting Appeal or Review:

If the objector fails to submit their objection within the time limit, their right to request appeal or review is forfeited.

Consideration of the Request for Appeal or Review:

If the appellant or reviewer fails to appear after notification and doesn't request proceeding or attend within specified time limits, the court may declare their right to appeal or review forfeited. However, for certain officials or representatives, if they fail to request appeal, submit the objection memorandum within the time limit, or were absent during judgment notification, the court submits the judgment for review regardless of the subject matter, with specific exceptions.​

Last Modified : 20 Oct 2024

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